Miguel Angel Bañuelos-Saucedo
Academic Groups
Member of the academic staff
Miguel Ángel Bañuelos-Saucedo has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical and electrical engineering (electronics) and a master’s degree in electrical engineering (electronics) from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. In 2014, he was awarded the PhD degree in electrical and electronics engineering from The University of Manchester, United Kingdom. His thesis was the development of an instrument for spectroscopy and tomography with Terahertz waves. Dr. Bañuelos has given lectures on analog electronics, control systems, and electronic instrumentation at the Faculty of Engineering of UNAM. He has been the thesis advisor of 25 undergraduate students and 8 graduate students. His work includes the development of instrumentation for soil mechanics, electronic neural networks, didactic and biomedical equipment. He was involved in the design of a cardiac valve tester for the National Institute of Cardiology of Mexico, didactic equipment for Harry Mazal and an instrument for interpreting the results of a rapid test for detecting the thyroid stimulant hormone for Silanes Laboratories. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6230-4139
Microcontroller-based instrumentation
Biomedical instrumentation
Terahertz spectroscopy and tomography
Didactic equipment for the course on Applied Informatics for Science and Industry
Didactic equipment for Acoustics and Vibrations.
Bañuelos, M. A., Pacheco, M., Villegas, R. G. “Tutorial web para el aprendizaje de la asignatura informática aplicada a la ciencia y a la industria”, Pistas Educativas, Tecnológico Nacional de México, 44(143), (2022), ISSN: 2448-847X, págs. 16-31. (http://pistaseducativas.itc.mx)
Bañuelos, M. A. “Medidor de pH de bajo costo para aplicaciones didácticas”, Pistas Educativas, Tecnológico Nacional de México, 42(139), (2020), ISSN: 2448-847X, págs. 725-739. (http://pistaseducativas.itc.mx)
Bañuelos-Saucedo, M.A., and Ozanyan, K. B. “Hyperspectral Terahertz Tomography in Amplitude Contrast”. IEEE Sensors J., vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1354-1361, Feb. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2881917.
Bañuelos, M. A. “Medición de la capacidad práctica de baterías recargables de Li-ion”, Pistas Educativas, Tecnológico Nacional de México, 41(134), (2019), ISSN 2448-847X, págs. 35-52. (http://pistaseducativas.itc.mx).
Bañuelos, M. A. “Implementación de un sistema de medición y registro de datos con reloj en tiempo real y almacenamiento en tarjeta microSD”, Pistas Educativas, Tecnológico Nacional de México, 40(130), (2018), ISSN 2448-847X, págs. 330-346. (http://pistaseducativas.itc.mx).
Bañuelos, M. A. “Comparación de tarjetas Arduino UNO originales y clones como instrumento de medición”, Pistas educativas, Tecnológico Nacional de México, 39(128), (2017), ISSN 2448-847X, págs. 179-190. (http://pistaseducativas.itc.mx).
Banuelos-Saucedo, M. A. “Amplitude vs. time-of-flight contrast in THz tomography”. In: 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) proceedings. 27 Aug. – 1 Sept. 2017; Cancun, Mexico. Pages: 1-2. DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2017.8066997.
Banuelos-Saucedo, M. A. “Compensation of THz Spectrum Spurious Oscillations by Local Apodization”. In: IEEE SENSORS 2015 Proceedings; 1-4 Nov. 2015; Busan, South Korea. Pages: 446-449. DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2015.7370280.
Banuelos-Saucedo, M. A., Ozanyan, K.B. “Hard-field THz Tomography in Amplitude Contrast”. In: IEEE SENSORS 2014 Proceedings; 2-5 Nov. 2014; Valencia, Spain. Pages: 1280–1283. DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2014.6985244.
Banuelos-Saucedo, M. A., Ozanyan, K.B. “Fast response lock-in amplifier”. 8th IEEE International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology, ISICT 2012; London; United Kingdom; 11 July 2012 through 13 July 2012 Pages 122 – 125. DOI: 10.1109/ISICT.2012.6291623.
Graduate courses on analog electronics and microcontrollers.
Undergraduate students:
Cecilia Belén Hernández-Cerda (Engineering on biomedical systems)
My PhD thesis, Signal and Data Processing for THz Imaging (2014), can be consulted here:
My YouTube channel (in Spanish):