The Department of Optics, Microwaves and Acoustics (DOMA), is dedicated to technological research and development in the generation, propagation and detection of electromagnetical and mechanical waves. This includes the UV, Visible, IR and Microwave parts of the spectrum, as well as the audible and ultrasound.
The DOMA is integrated by 18 researchers, 7 high level technicians and 2 workshop technicians. 22 of them belong to the National Research System (SNI-CONACyT).
The main R&D activities are related to design, fabrication at lab level, and testing of different instruments to solve some specific problems encountered during the academic work in the same institute or faced by some other labs in the academy or the industry. Also is studied the interaction of the waves with the different materials for a better understanding of the physical process. All this academic work is supported by graduate and undergraduate physics and engineering students. The main results are published as thesis, scientific papers, books and patent applications. The different projects are financed by National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) and other similar funding agencies including an important support from the same UNAM.