
María Herlinda Montiel-Sánchez


The Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology (ICAT, by its acronym in Spanish), which operates under the auspices of the Scientific Research Coordinating Office of UNAM, is characterized by its multidisciplinary faculty. This conjunction of knowledge from various fields of engineering and the physical-mathematical sciences gives the Institute the unique ability to engage in interdisciplinary technological development and research projects oriented to solving problems important to Mexico.

Applied research and technological development at ICAT are focused on the following fields:

  • Industrial and Scientific Instrumentation

  • Micro and Nanotechnologies

  • Photonics Technology

  • Information Technology and

  • Technology and Science Education

In all these fields, the Institute has academic leaders with a recognized professional background whose work is aimed at providing solutions to relevant problems in the areas of health, education, environment and energy. The interaction between scientists and technologists promotes collaborative work and creates synergies, leading to the formation of solid and versatile groups in order to achieve a high quality and impact academic production, training of better prepared professionals and a growing and effective liaison with the social, private and public sectors of Mexico.

The academic-administrative organization of ICAT consists mainly of four departments: Industrial and Scientific Instrumentation, Micro and Nanotechnologies, Optics, Microwaves and Acoustics and Information Technology and Education Processes. Each department comprises different academic groups (see organization chart) formed around one or several academic leaders, with a flexible conformation according to their disciplinary affinities and the projects in which they are involved.

Completing this structure, the Institute also houses the National Laboratory for Additive and Digital Manufacturing (MADiT), the University Laboratory for Spectroscopy Characterization (LUCE), the University Laboratory for Environmental Nanotechnology (LUNA), the University Laboratory for Optical Equipment Fabrication (LUFABEO) and the Section for Prototype Development. In addition, ICAT has the Unit for Research and Technological Development at the General Hospital of Mexico “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” (UIDT ICAT-HGMEL) and the Unit for Research and Technological Development at the General Hospital “Dr. Manuel Gea González” (UIDT ICAT-HGMGG). Finally, the Institute also participates in the Advanced Technology University Hub (PUNTA) in Apodaca, Nuevo León, Mexico.