Liaison and Technology Management Office

Luis Roberto Vega González

Members of the academic staff




The Liaison and Technology Management Office assists the members of the academic staff and authorities of the Institute in the detection of needs and problems posed by different organizations of the public and private sectors of Mexico, whose solution requires the development of scientific and technological knowledge. The fields of knowledge cultivated in the Institute are: Health, Energy, Education, Environment and Industry.

The Office participates in the elaboration and negotiation of technical-economic proposals, to finally perform the signing of consensual instruments through which the resources for the development of R&D projects can be obtained. In some cases, it oversees the technology management of the projects from beginning to end.

In addition, it is in charge of the industrial and intellectual protection processes of the knowledge results obtained from the projects as well as of the development of different studies and actions required for the transfer of technology, such as monitoring, evaluation and valuation, among others.

The Liaison and Technology Management Office also carries out actions to promote the scientific and technological knowledge generated by the research and development academic groups of the Institute. Finally, it works on the identification of the economic and social impacts of the technologies resulting from the projects conducted at the Institute. 


The technology management activities conducted by the Liaison and Technology Management Office of ICAT (carried out according to the four-stage model for technology management of projects) are:

Stage 1. Liaison and Negotiation
  • Identification of the counterpart´s needs related to problems in the areas of energy, health, environment and education.
  • Selection of internal capacities to carry out the project
  • Definition of project specifications
  • Preparation of the technical-economic proposal
  • Negotiation
  • Preparation, jointly with the public or private institution requesting the project, and submission of proposals for collaborative R&D projects to calls issued by institutions such as Mexico’s Science and Technology Council (CONACyT), Secretariat for Science, Technology and innovation (SECITI), and the Ministry of Economy, among others.
Stage 2. Signing of Legal Agreements and Project Management
  • Development of agreements, contracts and consensual instruments
  • Administrative planning
  • Administration of the technology project during its development
  • Project closure
Stage 3. Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer
  • Intellectual property strategy
  • Protection actions, filing of applications for different IP figures
  • Intellectual Property Administration of the Institute
  • Licensing and Technology Transfer
Stage 4. Diffusion of Technology
  • Collaboration with the counterpart for the development of launch plans, sales and contractual benefits
Stage 5. Measurement of the Impacts of the Knowledge resulting from R&D Projects
  • Economical
  • Social
  • Investigative
  • Contributions of knowledge to the scientific and technological state of art
  • Participation in the solution of problems of society in the fields of science and technology applied to energy, environmental, teaching and health problems, among others.