Acoustics and Vibrations
Members of the Academic Staff
The Acoustics and Vibration Group at ICAT-UNAM was founded in 1981. It has a national leading role and international recognition for its research and technical work in the areas of acoustic instrumentation, acoustic measurements, acoustic signal processing, nonlinear acoustics, and musical acoustics. The group collaborates at UNAM with the faculties of Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Psychology, Medicine, and Music, as well as with the scientific and technological research institutes of Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy. International collaborations include: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain), Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), Université du Maine (Le Mans, France), Baldwin-Wallace University (Ohio, USA), University of Edinburgh (Scotland, UK). Members of the group teach and supervise student projects at UNAM’s graduate programs in Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Music, with additional participation in the programs of Architecture, Psychology, and Medicine. Other national academic and educational institutions seek advice from members of the group and participate in guided visits to the Acoustics Laboratory. The group also collaborates with local and federal government agencies such as CENAM (Centro Nacional de Metrología, National Center of Metrology), SEMARNAT (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, the Mexican agency for the environment and natural resources), PAOT-CDMX (Procuraduría Ambiental y de Ordenamiento Territorial de la Ciudad de México, the agency for environmental land use planning of Mexico City), on issues regarding acoustic measurements, urban and environmental noise, acoustic conditioning, and others. The group also offers consultancy and measurement services for industrial clients conducting measurements of acoustic characteristics of materials and acoustic elements, measurement and control of noise and vibration, acoustic conditioning, among others.

- Acoustic Instrumentation
- Acoustic Measurements
- Acoustic SignalProcessing
- Nonlinear Acoustics
- Musical Acoustics
- The Laboratory of Acoustics and Vibration, built in 1987, has specialized infrastructure and equipment that are uniquely available in Mexico and in most of Latin America. It is housed in its own and purposely designed building, separated from the main and additional buildings at ICAT, in Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM’s main campus, in the southern part of Mexico City. The construction and the foundation are very massive, with the equally massive inner acoustic chambers resting on elastic foundations, conferring it very high levels of isolation against external noise and vibration. The laboratory houses three main acoustic chambers: a reverberation chamber, an anechoic chamber, and a transmission chamber; all of them built with double 30-centimeter thick concrete walls separated by an insulating air layer. This infrastructure meets several acoustic metrology standards, which allow conducting applied and technological research, specialized teaching, as well as consultancy and measurement services for the industry.