Precision Engineering and Metrology

Benjamín Valera-Orozco

For 29 years, I have collaborated at the Metrology Laboratory of ICA, UNAM, developing specialized activities in electronic design and computer programming. My production of infrastructure for our laboratory has resulted in a significant number of publications in international conferences (34), national conferences (64), papers (6), undergraduate theses (29) and technical reports (57), as well as in the setting up of measuring equipment. I want to highlight the quality of the prototypes since they are widely functional and have a good level of quality. Of special importance for the Laboratory is the advanced level of programming that I have acquired, establishing myself as the programmer leader of the the team of metrologists. On the other hand, my work in electronic design is of great help since I am the only member with training in the area.

Development of instruments, standards, principles, processes and measurement technologies

Theoretical-experimental study of thermo-electrokinetic interactions in electrostatic atomization processes

  • Development of an app for the periodic table, SOMI XXXV Congress of Instrumentation (2021).
  • Control and data acquisition system for the HP 5528A laser measurement system, SOMI XXXV Congress of Instrumentation (2021).
  • Development of an app for the periodic table.
  • Software for the laser measurement system HP5528A.

Regular course at UNAM. Electronic communications systems, Faculty of Engineering UNAM

Undergraduate:  Itzel Olimpia Ortiz-Ávila, Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNAM.