Artículos recientes 2024
- Corneal topographer using null-screen patterned within a quadrangular acrylic prism (2024). Martín Isaías Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Dulce Gonzalez-Utrera, Daniel Aguirre-Aguirre, Brian Vohnsen y Rufino Díaz-Uribe. Optics Continuum.
- Modeling, fabrication, and metrology of 3D printed Alvarez lenses prototypes (2024). Dulce Gonzalez-Utrera, Brenda Villalobos-Mendoza, Rufino Diaz-Uribe, and Daniel Aguirre-Aguirre. Optics Express.
- Simplified vented acoustic window with broadband sound transmission loss (2024). Felipe Orduña Bustamante, Roberto Velasco Segura, G. Quintero, Santiago Jesús Pérez Ruiz, Antonio Pérez López, Ricardo Dorantes Escamilla, Dulce R. Ponce Patrón. Applied Acoustics.
- Tapping the Tunisian sunlight's potential to remove pharmaceuticals in tap water and secondary effluents: A comparison of Ag2O/TiO2 and BiOI photocatalysts and toxicological insights (2024). Juan C. Durán-Álvarez, Silvana Cortés-Lagunes, Olfa Mahjoub, Amauri Serrano-Lázaro, Andrea Garduño-Jiménez, Rodolfo Zanella. Separation and Purification Technology.
- Teachers’ perceptions about the use of learning management systems during the covid-19 pandemic considering data science (2024). Salas-Rueda, R. A., & Alvarado-Zamorano, C. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education.
- Terahertz Detection of Acid Blue 113 Dye Using Hybrid Hydrogels (2024). Itzel M. Garnica-Palafox, Amado M. Velázquez-Benítez, Francisco Sánchez-Arévalo, Naser Qureshi. Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves.