Science Cognition and Didactics

Leticia Gallegos-Cázares

Academic at the Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of the UNAM. I’m a Physicist and I hold a Master in Higher Education and a PhD in Pedagogy all at the UNAM.


Professor of the postgraduate degree in Pedagogy of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and of the master’s degree in Teaching for Higher Secondary Education.


Author of more than 40 research publications about conceptual training, conceptual change and science conceptions of teachers in international and national refereed journals.


Dr. Gallegos has carried out research in preschool children on the formation of physics concepts and has participated in various projects for the development of teaching materials as well as intervention projects in the classroom.


She is the author and co-author of several books and book chapters on science education, as well as physics textbooks for the high school level.


In addition, Dr. Gallegos has participated in various investigations supported by UNAM, CONACYT, ILCE and SEP. Some of these projects are related to the knowledge of the mechanisms of construction of conceptual representations in science in students of different levels and contexts; teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science and learning and the way they act on teaching practice.


She has been a member of the Experimental Teaching of Sciences Group at ICAT since its inception, and for 17 years, she was the coordinator of the Cognition and Didactics of Sciences Group at the Institute.


Dr. Gallegos has earned various national recognitions as well as awards and distinctions such as Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz medal.


She is a member of the National Research System (SNI).

Transformation and conceptual construction

Science Didactics

Science Education in indigenous communities


Transformation processes of scientific representations in high school students under a multi-representational environment supported by digital technologies (CONACYT).

Leticia Gallegos-Cázares, Fernando Flores-Camacho y Elena Calderón-Canales, (2022). Models, Incommensurability of Scientific Notions in Indigenous Children. Canadian Journal of science, mathematics and technology education. (en prensa) DOI: 10.1007/s42330-022-00190-w

Leticia Gallegos-Cázares, Fernando Flores-Camacho & Elena Calderón-Canales (2022). Elementary school children’s explanations of day and night. An interpretation based on an inferential approach to representations, Science & Education, 31, 35-54. (ISSNE 1573-1901; ISSN Impreso 0926-7220).

Fernando Flores-Camacho, Elena Calderón-Canales, Beatriz García-Rivera, Leticia Gallegos-Cázares & Araceli Baez Islas (2021) Representational trajectories in the understanding of Mendelian genetics, EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 17(8), 1–17, doi:10.29333/ejmste/10998 (ISSN: 1305-8223).

Leticia Gallegos-Cázares, Fernando Flores-Camacho y Elena Calderón-Canales (2021). Preschool Children’s Reasoning about Sound from an Inferential-Representational Approach. Education Sciences, 2021,11(4),180. (EISSN:2227-7102), 1-13pags.

Fernando Flores-Camacho, Beatriz García Rivera, Araceli Báez Islas Leticia Gallegos-Cázares y Elena Calderón Canales (2020) Logros en la comprensión de temas de genética utilizando representaciones externas, Revita Eureka sobre Enseñanza y Divulgación de las Ciencias, 17(3), 3101-1  – 3101-17. Doi: 10.25267/Rev_Eureka_ensen_divulg_cienc.2020.v17.i3.3101 (ISSN:1697-011X).

Fernando Flores-Camacho, Leticia Gallegos-Cázares y Cynthia Lima González (2020). Representaciones en Física: construcción y validación de un cuestionario para la enseñanza media superior, Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa 22(1), 1– 17.


Fernando Flores-Camacho, Beatriz Eugenia García-Rivera, Leticia Gallegos-Cázares y Elena Calderón Canales (2020). Representaciones y Aprendizaje de las Ciencias. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, (ISBN:978-607—30-3171-4). pp.144

Leticia Gallegos-Cázares, Fernando Flores-Camacho, Elena Calderón-Canales (2019). Th co-existence of cultural and school science models in indigenous Mexican teachers: the mixing colors case. Cultural Studies of Science Education, doi:10.1007/s11422-018-9901-1

Fernando Flores-Camacho, Leticia Gallegos-Cázares, Beatriz García Rivera y Araceli Báez Islas (2019). Efectos de los laboratorios de ciencias con TIC en la comprensión y representación de los conocimiemtos científicos en estudiantes del bachillerato en un contexto escolar cotidiano, Revista Iberoamericana de Investigación Educativa, 10(29), 124 – 142.

Elena Calderón-Canales, Leticia Gallegos-Cázares & Fernando Flores-Camacho (2019). Sound representations in preschool students, Journal for the Study of Educational Development (Infancia y Aprendizaje), 1 – 23,

Master’s and doctoral level courses.

Member of the Advisory Committee for Graduate Students in Pedagogy and MADEMS.

Direction of thesis work, social service and academic practices of national students.


Araceli Báez-Islas

Miguel Ángel Sánchez-Álvarez


Fernando Reyes-Juárez

Cristina Rico